Our Projects

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”

-Dalai Lama

Giving Back Time, Treasure and Talent

Go Global encourages and supports individuals, groups, and service organizations in developing countries. Their goal is to help people live fuller, healthier lives by assisting organizations to better address the needs of local women, children, and families in their own communities.

“Everyone has something to offer. It’s either Time, Talent or Treasure!” 

– Gina Guddat, Founder


Food • Medical Supplies • Shelter • Transportation to Safety

Keeping with our mission to serve children and women by working with existing organizations, Go Global was able to mobilize support for Ukraine in March 2022. Due to the horrific war in Ukraine, hundreds of children had been displaced. Many lost their parents. Numerous orphanages had been destroyed, leaving thousands of children without a place to go. We  partnered with a credible, non-profit agency on the ground rescuing children and transporting them to safety in Poland. They succeeded in moving thousands of kids to shelters, including 183 who escaped an orphanage in Chernihiv that was bombed. Go Global assisted their organization by providing food and supplies for five temporary facilities, each with 150-500 people as well as gasoline for their rescue shuttle van.

Helping Evacuation of Children at the Orphanage


Medical and Dental Services • Supplies for Orphanages and Shelters • Coaching for Women Owned Businesses

This powerful trip to Kenya opened my eyes to the real issues of poverty, HIV and AIDS. I spent several days in the Kibera slums helping at a free dental clinic, working with families and conducting workshops for women who want to start their own businesses. I was able to volunteer some time helping in several different orphanages, but it’s always so difficult to leave those precious babies. I was surprised to get a last minute invite to address their government’s Women’s Parliament. They were writing their first law that will protect women and children from domestic violence and sex trafficking. As a Maasai Chief told me the last day I was there, “positive change is coming”.

Baby Orphanage in Kenya

Teaching Dental Hygiene

Dental Clinic


Supporting Safe Houses, Shelters and Rehabilitation Centers for Victims of Sex Trafficking
Funding Sewing Schools and Education for Survivors of Violence.

The home of Mt. Everest and the beautiful Himalayan Mountains, Nepal showed me what human strength is. Plagued with a devastating earthquake in Kathmandu, these women never stopped believing in a future. I was asked to help at a sewing school for girls who wanted to create a way to provide for themselves. They showed perseverance amidst great challenge. I also took to the streets of the city and spent a day with the “street children” who have found a way to survive. I could not help going out and buying them all soap, shampoo, and toothbrushes. They told me food was more important than cleanliness…so I also bought them a meal. The 2nd part of my trip was spent training staff at a rescue shelter and working with the 50 children there who had escaped the circus. When we think about trafficking, we forget that along with the sex trade, kids are also sold into forced labor and servitude.

Water Contamination

Purchasing Hygiene Products

Safe House for Sex Traffic Victims


Medical supplies for Hospitals • Educational Tools on Reproductive Health to Teenage Girls
Financial Support for Children and Infant Orphanages

This glorious part of the world is still home to drug lords and sex traffickers alike. As in other places, the disparity between wealth and poverty is great. I was encouraged by visiting many programs that are successfully providing services to the sex workers, the orphans and the disabled. My favorite part was spending time doing physical therapy and fitness with the differently abled children in Managua.

Children’s Home

Horse Therapy


Supplies and Training for 200 Staff at a Rehabilitation and Trauma Center for Infants, Children and Adolescents.

A devastating fire in an orphanage which housed nearly 800 children in Guatemala City caught my attention in spring 2017. Many who were rescued were brought to the safe haven of New Hope for trauma care and rehabilitation. This event revealed again the tragic reality that children around the world are still being neglected, abused and trafficked into slave labor and the sex trade. Child protective laws are still non existent in many countries. It was a powerful week of training 250 staff members and working with hundreds of kiddos.

Malaria in Guatemala

Fire in the Orphanage


Teaching Reproductive Health and Personal Safety to Sex Workers • Supplies to Children Shelters, Orphanages and Schools.

This trip changed my life more than any other. Kolkata is home to the largest red light district in the world. I spent many dangerous days learning the system of traffickers, brokers, money changers and madams. Watching the ways that girls are bought and sold was heart breaking. I got to know the caste system and visited the lowest class children in the schools, shelters and orphanages, providing programs and counseling. One of the most rewarding parts was conducting female reproductive workshops for the sex workers on the street and handing out over 650 pairs of women’s panties. Lastly I trained staff from a dozen different facilities so they might be able to better serve those who have experience extreme trauma.

Red Light District

Teach the Sex Workers about Domestic Violence and Reproductive Health in India Video

Teaching Fitness


Educational Training for Staff • Workshops for Orphaned Teenagers at Shelters and Safe Houses • Health and Fitness

I was invited to present at a retreat for girls in Budapest who had been rescued from human trafficking. I spent nearly a week in their shelter providing counseling and teaching self-esteem, goal setting, positive body image and fitness. Even though these girls don’t have their biological families anymore, they have formed a new family of their own together. They have such big hearts and hopes for their futures.


Workshops and Trainings to Staff ServingVictims of Violence • Trauma Counseling • Health and Fitness

I was invited to present at the first women’s conference to address sex trafficking in the “Stans”. This event drew female leaders from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Along with hearing numerous stories of unthinkable crimes like bride napping, and girls being married off at age nine I also participated in strategic talks about how to stop this travesty against women and girls in that region. I providing many hours of individual counseling and taught workshops on women’s health and fitness. My favorite part was teaching a kick-boxing class to ladies who had never before done any exercise.

Visiting Children’s Orphanage

Traditional House in Kyrgysztan


Workshops • Counseling • Education • Women’s Health and Fitness

I have made many trips into Mexico helping with the existing programs that are serving underprivileged children. I’ve worked at community centers, clinics and numerous orphanages providing counseling to the kids and training to the staff. The people’s positive nature always impresses me, especially those living up on the Dump. It’s been a joy to go back year after year and see these little ones grow up.

Boy Dances to entertain Disabled children in orphanage in Puerto Vallarta

Humanitarian Project at the Garbage Center

Construction of Children’s Hospital


Workshops • Counseling • Education • Women’s Health and Fitness

It was an honor to spend time with the Vietnamese government’s Women’s Union discussing their model for a health and wellness center that would be their country’s first facility to serve victims of domestic violence. We designed an anti-trafficking awareness campaign and I trained and equipped leaders to serve as counselors to work with the survivors. I presented at a large Convent for girls who were training to serve women in the villages and I volunteered at a community hospital. Lastly, I ventured into the “Heart of Darkness”- the red light district in Cambodia, to help with the rescue efforts of underage sex workers. The industry of “sex travel” is unfortunately alive and well as I saw male visitor from all different countries.

The kingdom of Cambodia

Sponsorship of Girls in Phnom Penh

Sponsoring a Girl in Vietnam